Welcome to Our Core Throws

This course is designed to help you to refine your 14 Core Throws, including;

- Hip Throw / Ogoshi
- Body Drop / Tai otoshi
- Head Hip Throw / Koshi Guruma
- Half Shoulder / Seoinage
- Sweeping Ankle / Ashi Guruma
- Loin or Hip Wheel / Sodi Tsurikomi Goshi
- Full Shoulder / Ippon Seoinage
- Spring Hip / Hane Goshi
- Cross Hock / Osoto Otoshi
- Rear Throw
- Front Scissors
- Inside Hock Throw / Ouchi Gari
- Reclining Leg Throw
- Leg Throw / Kibisu Gaeshi

Safety – We also take you through safety considerations to reduce your risk of injury, and they also make being thrown much more fun. You can access 17 lessons covering all areas of these throws to enable you to perform better than ever!
Welcome to Our Core Throws


  • Rob Phelps

    5th Dan Head Coach

    Rob Phelps

    I am Sensei Rob Phelps, 5th Dan in Japanese Ju Jitsu.

    In 1998 I saw a black and white poster in the local library for a Ju Jitsu class, it had a line drawing of a Samurai Warrior on it and it looked very interesting, so I went along and had a trial lesson. I fell in love with the art as the coach was very good, the art had a bit of everything in it and it just seemed to hit the button!

    Today I run a very successful school in Leicestershire with over 300 members.

    My mission today is to expand our teaching onto online platforms, making Traditional Japanese Ju Jitsu accessible to everyone regardless of your location.

What We Offer

  • Online Training

    Online training videos, learn in your own time at your own convenience.

  • Help & Support

    Get online support to aid your learning.

Course curriculum

  • 1
    LJJ Martial Arts Core Throws
    • 1-Hip Throw FREE PREVIEW
    • Hip Throw Safety FREE PREVIEW
    • Hip Throw - Into Shoulder Arm Lock
    • 2-Body Drop
    • 3-Head Hip Throw
    • 4-Half Shoulder
    • Half Shoulder-2
    • 5-Sweeping Ankle
    • 6-Loin or Hip Wheel Throw
    • 7-Full Shoulder
    • 8-Spring Hip Throw
    • 9-Cross Hock Throw
    • 10-Rear Throw
    • 11-Front Scissors
    • 12-Inside Hock Throw
    • 13-Reclining Leg Throw
    • 14-Leg Throw

Get hold of this course today!

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