CRANE SYLLABUS - Ju Jitsu Junior Beginners
There are 5 modules in our system, Crane is the current module;
January - March 2021
1-C-Two Punches, Roundhouse Kick
2-C-Leg Throw with Lock
Tying Your Obi (Belt)
18-Mat Etiquette - Manners and Attitude
16-Breakfalls - Focus on Side Breakfalls from 2min 15sec
8-C-Juji Jodan, pull down, knee,. elbow
9-C-Back Strangle, Shoulder Lock
TBDDefence against kicks to head - right to left
11-C-Straight Arm Lock
12-C-Stamp Throw
14-S-Basic Blocking Kata (4)
19-C-Kick - Front Snap
2-C-Ground Fighting into Rear Mount
6-C-Arm lock across chest
5-C-Kick - Rear Kick